Sunday, April 8, 2007


We had such a fun day!
I didn't take a single photo, but John took a million so I'll look forward to seeing his.
The kids got up at a VERY reasonable 7am to hunt baskets...they were very happy with their water guns, jump ropes and new "Cars" cars...And they made an attempt at double dutch (they watched "Jump In" yesterday...which is a Disney tv movie about a boy who joins a double dutch team...) and it didn't turn out to be as easy as it looked!

We made it to church ON TIME on Easter Sunday. It's an Easter MIRACLE! I told Carleton I was pretty sure it was the first time we got into the sanctuary to sing "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!" since Justin was born. I just love, love, love that song. And I hate that we always miss it! Well, today we MADE IT! Justin asked to join us in service today and it was so nice to have him there. And it seems Collin pinched someone in Sunday school for a) sitting by him and b) being female. He says he's sorry and won't do it again. We'll see. With his flirtatious nature, we should probably be grateful he didn't pinch her on the behind for the same offenses!!

Lunch was pleasant and went off without a hitch. The Petit Fours I decided to make were delicious...which is good, since I won't be doing that again! Way too much effort. But they were yum and pretty. The kids hunted eggs with Robin, Blaire blew raspberries and we all stayed warm.

The late afternoon consisted of us snoozing to the Masters...the boys playing outside and cuddling with the baby. Oh, and stealing chocolate from the boys' easter baskets!
Sweetest words were Collin saying, " Jesus is.....Alive!".
Can't get much better than this day!

A few pictures from Easter weekend.

J Tball game:

Decorating Eggs:

The princess supervising:


Unknown said...

OK, this may be the one picture where Justin doesn't resemble me for one simple reason: he appears to actually be able to hit the ball off the t-ball (tee-ball? the sport left me with too many emotional scars to bother checking my spelling) stand.

That reminds me of what was probably the single greatest sentence I have ever read, courtesy of The Onion:

"Tee-ball stand at Special Olympics pitches perfect game."

Ho ho.

-Uncle Doofus

Unknown said...

I was just looking at the sweet ones this morning and wishing I could get a morning kiss from each of them. Love, Gram