Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Days on the beach with our babes...

We have returned from a week on Seagrove Beach. It's on the gulf coast of Florida and is a quiet, residential beach...very relaxing. Well, as relaxing as things get with 3 little kids!

We had a great time relaxing with my siblings, nephew, Dad...and then D&A came in from TX and spent part of the week with us. It was so great to see them and to get to hug their kiddos. I've missed them so much!

The gulf was murky for the first few days, due to some earlier storms. But it cleared and our last several days were gorgeous. We kayaked a lot. I think we all enjoyed going out and seeing the jellyfish. Justin spent a good bit of time on the skimboard and Collin caught and studied jellyfish in his sand buckets. Blaire enjoyed the trip, and enjoyed my vacation policy of allowing juiceboxes / caprisuns whenever. I don't even want to think how many she had....but she was happy and so was I. I try to pick my battles on vacation....and the freeflowing juiceboxes / granola bars are how mommy gets to read on the beach!

Blaire and Beckett are hilarious together. She bosses him around all the time. At least once an hour you could hear "NO! BECKETT!!" And I think Beckett is already developing "selective listening" when it comes to girls. They had a lot of fun together.

So we played a lot, ate a lot and read a lot...and I still have that beautiful reminder of the beach hanging around the house.....SAND!!!
Hope all is well with you and yours!

Some photos:

C and C in the boat:

Cuddles between the little two:

BB on the beach:

Girl nap!


Jellyfish hunters:

O and C together in a shirt, thrilled to look like "general grevious" from star wars:

What do they say? A picture is worth a thousand words? That is the reason I adore this crazy photo of Beckett. He's the cutest, busiest little guy...so much like Justin was at this age. I like to think this had nothing to do with it being night and the slow exposure. I think Becks just moves THIS fast:

Glow stick fun on the beach at night:

Blaire's infamous STARE. Clearly, she's not in the mood for my photography.

My babes:

Thanks for looking!!


Emily Lauren said...

Beautiful pictures Kelly. Where is that beach? The water is AMAZING. :)

Fawn said...

Love the pics, Kel! The kids are growin up so fast! They are beautiful as ever!

leah said...

you sure you weren't paid by some straw hat company (*wish i was in the know on what such company's name might be) to capture that shot with you and your sweet girl!? seriously.

love these pix!
i feel like such a heel for not getting mine to the beach a single time so far this summer! AAHHHH!!! now, i am inspired. :)