So my girl was six months old yesterday. How did that happen? It seems she just got here!
We had her appointment today....sister was 17lb 15oz (90th %) and 28" (off the charts). So she's growing JUST FINE! She's proving to be a different person than the boys, much more laid back physically. The boys at this age were chomping at the bit...trying to figure out how to coordinate each limb with the others in a general effort to get SOMEWHERE...Blaire? Not so much. She's cool with her sitting.....chewing on her toes......and when that gets old, fussing so mommy will pick her up. She's not in a hurry to get anywhere...and as Andria told me today, "That is your gift from God after the other two!". Amen.
We started rice cereal tonight while we all ate dinner. Blaire could not get enough and was quite ready to take the spoon herself, thank you very much. I wasn't as ready as Blaire and got teary...but I guess she'll move away from home eventually, so I have to start with these baby steps.
Here are her six month portraits and some shots of her eating tonight. Not to neglect the brothers, they are in swim lessons this week. They are fish. No....fish are quiet. What swims well but is still loud? Elephant seals? Anyhow....they swim like fish. Day two of lessons today and Collin swam the width (not length) of the pool without assistance. Yea!
And the food pics....have you seen a baby get this happy over gruel?
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