Thursday, September 18, 2008

My sweet boy!

It's a birthday for my sweet, brown-eyed boy.

From Old Collin photos

He just came down....hours past his bedtime(!) and asked me to tell him a "story about today"...which is something I do with the kids...turn the day into a "once upon a time"....but tonight I told him a story about his birth he came on a day of his the sun was peaceful he was...and how I'll never forget holding him in the sunny recovery room....he was looking at me with those big eyes....Just C and I were in the room....and we named him.....I was close to getting teary remembering that awesome day.

He listened politely...and then asked me how many minutes until I get to the part about TODAY. Which is when his birthday party was...and that is what he would like to hear, please.

Just give a mommy her moment, boy!! At least he was polite about hurrying me along!!
Precious to me, that boy is...even when he's making me crazy.

From Old Collin photos

From Old Collin photos

From Collin's 5th birthday party

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Random kid pics...

The boys started their soccer season...
Here they are looking handsome:
From Sept

Here is sleeping beauty..... It was 6:30pm...we had a busy day and she just couldn't make it any longer....note her new bff, June, beside her. She loves that June!

From Sept

And here is a snapshot of my favorite nephew. He spent the day with us last week while his parents shopped for furniture (since that is WAY more fun w/o your 2yo!). I think he's a doll...and how could you argue when you see him sleeping like this!??!

From Sept


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The hair is coming! The hair is coming!!

Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
Miss Blaire is finally growing some hair! Not in the, no...we are still in full fledged mullet mode..
But it has gotten thick and long enough to do this:

She's a champ for the styling process. Sits easily for me...tolerates the tugging (oh, how I recall the tugging....when your hair is fine, your mama has to get the bands SO TIGHT on your hair and it PULLS!!! I try to be very, very gentle on my girl...but I do remember those days..).

As soon as I'm done, she pops up....holds her arms out to me and says, "I wanna see Bwaire!"...she wants me to take her to the mirror to see her new 'do. She says "Pretty hair!".
Love that baby girl, I do!

The boys were FLOORED by her new style as well.