Thursday, August 30, 2007

Greet the troops

I took the kids to greet the troops arriving for R&R.

There's not much you can describe standing behind these families, waiting on their loved ones. Children waiting for their dads. It was overwhelming....One poor family in front of me, a mom and her two middle school age sons.....waited and waited....their Dad was practically the LAST out of all 275 soldiers to deplane. It was excruciating for them!

I was so glad the boys got to be a part of this. And it was so sweet to watch the soldiers be overwhelmed by the crowd....stop...and pull out their cameras to photograph the welcome they got.

And the Tuskeegee Airmen were there to greet the soldiers as well.

1 comment:

Ivy said...

What a neat thing to take your kids too! Brian's youngest brother has been in Iraq for a year now and I know he would appreciate seeing lots of people when he gets to come home.
